Elite Plastic Surgery in Colombia 

Dr. Fulvio Correa offers comprehensive plastic surgery services in Colombia to patients from the United States, Europe, and Latin America. More than 2,000 happy patients around the world have been satisfied with our services.

Dermal fillers (Injectable facial fillers)

Facial fillers, also known as dermal fillers are temporary and are made by administering allowed substances through a few injections in specific areas of the face. Its primary objective is the volumetric replenishment where necessary, highlighting the regions corresponding to the nasolabial grooves, nasojugal grooves (folds), and lips.

Various types of facial fillers are available in the market, and each one is designed with one or several purposes, such as wrinkle reduction and lip augmentation. The use of the patient’s fat as a filler has gained strength in recent years and presents as a strength a more lasting or definitive result in some cases. However, it is important to emphasize to the patient that his own body will reabsorb part of this injected fat.

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Among the safest fillers and allowed by the health surveillance agencies we find hyaluronic acid which lasts for about a year, time in which it will be reabsorbed, and a new application will be necessary.

Contrary to what many people think the application of these substances is considered an invasive procedure and must be performed by a qualified medical professional.



Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin made by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.

The ability of botulinum toxin to produce muscle paralysis due to chemical denervation is exploited to be used as a medicine in the treatment of certain neurological diseases and as a cosmetic product for the
aesthetic treatment of facial wrinkles, as well as in cases of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) due to its ability to relax the sweat glands.

The areas of highest use for the treatment of facial wrinkles are the frontal region (forehead lines), the glabellar region (glabellar lines), and the periorbital region (“crow’s feet”). With the treatment of these areas, it is possible to return the patient to a more youthful facial appearance.

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The dose for each patient varies according to the characteristics and degree of severity of the wrinkles to be treated, with a duration of effect of around 4 to 6 months, with the maximum effect from 15º after application being noted.

After the application, the patient must carefully follow the instructions given by your doctor.

“Finally, remember that your health is also up to you, always follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid activities that compromise you such as smoking, drinking or ingesting any type of hallucinogenic substances.”


Thigh lift (Crural)

Thigh lift is a medical term that describes the surgical procedure by which the perimeter of the lower limbs is reduced, precisely at the level of the thighs, by drying dermal adipose tissue (skin and fat).

This procedure is designed for those patients who have lost weight quickly, either by diet or more commonly by bariatric surgery and consequently have excess skin in this area.

The time to perform this surgery ranges from 2-4 hours and its recovery is a bit slower compared to other aesthetic procedures.

Any surgical intervention presents a controlled risk of complications inherent in the anesthetic act and the procedure as such. However, all the relevant measures are taken to prevent them from occurring. Among the possible complications, we find seroma (accumulation of fluid under the skin), hematoma, hypersensitivity, edema, infection, thrombus formation, and scarring problems.

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“Finally, remember that your health is also up to you, always follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid activities that compromise you such as smoking, drinking or ingesting any type of hallucinogenic substances.”


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